


教學善 學習佳 Teach Well, Learn Well
使命 Our Mission
本校是香港靈糧堂所創辦的基督教中學,矢志提供優質教育, 基於聖經真理傳授生命教導, 讓學生能在快樂、健康和關愛的環境下成長。我們鼓勵全方位學習、積極的生活態度及容納創見的胸襟。本校重視學生六育〔靈、 德、智、群、體丶美〕的全人發展,使他們能貢獻國家和社會。
Ling Liang Church M H Lau Secondary School is a Christian school committed to quality education. Its central teachings about life are based on biblical truth. Each student is able to grow in a pleasant, healthy and caring environment. We encourage life-wide learning, a positive attitude towards life, and a willingness to embrace new ideas. We emphasize the all-round (spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, physical and aesthetic) development of our students so that they can contribute positively to their society and their nation.
靈糧精鋭團隊 Ling Liang Super Staff
我們的教職團隊是一群委身教育的基督徒,皆具備專業資格, 致力建立以學生為本的學校,彼此同心合意,互相扶持, 實現共同的願景我們透過循循善誘, 去塑造學生生命,讓他們能在愛與紀律中成長。
Our school possesses a strong team of committed Christians with professional qualifications to develop a student-centered school. We are united and uphold the same vision to educate our students through life teaching and support them to grow with love and discipline.

志向高 成就大 Aim High, Get High
語言政策 Language Policies
Our school puts the utmost importance on language proficiency in both Chinese and English.  To enhance students' language learning and cultural understanding, our school organizes overseas study tours every year countries like England, Australia, New Zealand, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
全方位學習 Life-wide Learning
學習不局限於教室內。發展學生的興趣, 便有助啟發他們的潛能,因此,本校經常組織多元化的學習項目,例如英語營、中國文化週、科學週、營商計劃丶青少年成就計劃、多元智能主動學習計劃等,讓學生得到全人發展。
We believe that learning should not be confined to classrooms. By developing hobbies, students can better utilize their inner potentials. Therefore, we organize various life-wide learning programs like English Camp, Chinese Culture Week, Science Week, Junior Achievement Scheme and Students' Multiple Intelligence Learning Experience Scheme (SMILES) for students to provide for whole-person development.
學術提昇計劃 Academic Enhancement Programs
Different enhancement schemes are carried out to cater to the needs of different students. Before examinations, we encourage students to form study groups and invite teachers to be their tutors, as we believe, to learn actively is the most effective way to learn. To further facilitate learning, our teachers offer extra tutorials after school. Over the past few years, the public examination results are remarkably encouraging. Our school also provides various scholarships to students with outstanding academic results.

服務廣 收穫多 Serve More, Gain More
領袖培訓 Leadership Training
「學習服務, 並於服務中學習」是我們培育學生應有的態度。本校以不同形式的領袖訓練去培育學生領袖,包括學校領袖生、學術幹事、學生幹事丶圖書館領袖生及資訊科技長等。我們深信信任與賦對建立學生的自信至為重要。
'Learn to serve; serve to learn' is our attitude towards services. Our school offers a wide range of leadership training programs for student leaders; including school prefects, student council leaders, librarians, information technology prefects etc. To build self confidence in our students, we put our trust in them and empower them to serve as leaders within the school.
家校合作 School-Home Connection
Our school strongly believes the importance of effective communication between school and parents. In order to develop goodwill for the school-home partnership, the PTA Centre has been set up in school as a regular meeting place for parents. We are committed to establishing a warm atmosphere for parents to feel that their presence is welcome and their involvement is appreciated.
校訓 School Motto
The fear of LORD the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy 0ne is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10)
本校重視學生認識救恩,不但著重向學生傳授知識技能,以應付社會需求, 而且更渴望能引領學生到神的面前, 認識聖經真理,洗滌心靈。
Our school emphasizes students' understanding and recognition of the Salvation of God. Not only do we equip students with knowledge so that they can stand up to society, we also purify their souls by leading them to God, feeding them with biblical truth.